Jute is a sustainable option that offers a plethora of benefits
with absolutely no harm to natural resources.
All these contribute to make it an eco-friendly option that has zero adverse impacts on the environment.
Unfortunately, plastic takes a period of 400 – 1000 years to decompose after serving a mere one-time use. Neither is plastic reusable nor biodegradable and people are waking up to its toxic impacts. Jute fabric, however, can be used repeatedly and decomposes within a time span of 2 - 3 years. Even after its existence, it helps the earth by putting nutrients back into the soil.
It's only logical that most would turn to paper after seeing the detrimental impacts that plastic has on Earth. However, would you rather be an accomplice in deforestation? While it requires more energy to manufacture a paper bag, jute does away with the depletion of natural resources for its production altogether. Thus, it is truly a sustainable fibre.
Breathing new life into an age-old fabric, MP Birla has delved into innovative ways to use the benefits of every natural thread of jute. Ever since the establishment of their first jute mill in 1919, its eco-friendly characteristics and composition have been identified and widely used over time. Join us and make the switch to both - a better alternative and a brighter future.